Supervised driving in English


contract for actual beginner from the age of 15th.


72 in stock

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You can start to learn to drive from the age of 15th, and do the “Conduite Accompagnée”.
You will learn the french rules of the road, and be present for the written test with an English translator. After passing the written test and have about 20 hours of driving practice, you will have the period of “conduite accompagnée” and must drive about 3000 kms with one licensed person. there  will be 2 appointments to check the level and can take the final driving test from 17 and a half. You’ll be allowed to drive alone from your 18th anniversary. as you’ll have a good experience of driving after 3000 km, the price of the insurance will decrease.

the contract includes :
unlimited collective code classes in English at the driving school.
10 online code class of 2 hours.
1 assistance to 1 written test with an English translator
government tax
1 evaluation of driving
20 hours of driving practice with manual or automatic cars.
1 code book written and an online in English.
2  educational  “Rendez-vous”. the first one after about 1500 km and the second one after a total of 3000 km of supervised driving.
1 driving test
the administrative procedure.

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